Sunday, May 16, 2010

Stormy Weather

Well, it was one of those weekends.

Stormy weather. And my man and I weren't together.

So on that note -- and because I hate to drink alone -- let's all raise a glass to the late, lovely Lena Horne.

The weather let up enough for me to get this shot of my lilies -- the prettiest thing in my yard right now.

But mostly I stayed in the kitchen.

On the menu: one of my favorite pasta dishes -- lemon fusilli with arugula. Ina Garten, do you ever come up with a bad recipe?

I'm growing my own arugula this year, and for the first time I get what all the fuss is about. The freshly harvested leaves have a peppery bite to them -- much tastier that the packaged arugula in the grocery store. Because my arugula leaves are getting a little sparse, I had to supplement with some fresh basil which also works with the lemon and tomatoes in this dish.

The first summer cherries are starting to hit the produce stands (how I wish we could grow them here -- they are my favorite) and I celebrated with a cherry clafouti. I've eaten this yummy dessert -- a cross between a pudding and cake -- numerous times in France, but have never attempted to make it at home until today. Easy, easy, easy.

Cherry Clafouti

1 cup sour cream

1 cup ricotta cheese

1/2 cup flour
3-4 Tablespoons granulated sugar

2 eggs

2 cups pitted fresh cherries

powdered sugar

Mix the first five ingredients together. Pour into a Pyrex pie pan. Drop the cherries over the top. Bake at 350 for about 45 minutes until puffed and just starting to turn brown. Dust the top with powdered sugar. Serve while still slightly warm.

And then, after all that food, it was time for a rainy day nap.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

A Cat Mama's Mother's Day

For most mothers, today was a day of cards, flowers, phone calls and dinner out on the kids. For me it was the usual: an overturned water bowl, eight litter boxes in need of scooping, seven cans of cat food to be opened, two broken up cat fights, and a hairball or two -- my Mother's Day presents.

All that said, being a cat mama isn't so very different from being a regular mama (except that I'll never have to put braces on them or send them to college).

My babies need regular meals and a warm bed (mine) to sleep in.

When they don't feel good or when they wake up in the night with a bad dream, they need a cuddle.

They ...

Ignore my requests for affection -- except when I'm trying to read or talk on the phone.

Leave their toys scattered all over the house for me to pick up. Their favorite toy, by the way, is the one their brother/sister is playing with.

Chase each other through the house despite my constant pleas and threats to stop.

Get into fights with their siblings and are punished with time outs.

Hate going to the doctor and have to be coaxed with toys and treats.

Refuse to take their medicine no matter how sick they are.

Are finicky eaters and much prefer junk food to anything with nutritional value.

Are jealous of one another and constantly compete for my attention.

Are devoted to one another and often conspire together against me.

Know when I am mad at them and do cute things to make me forget.

Know when I am sad for any reason and do cute things to make me forget.

Are always there for me.

Are my pride, my joy, my seven reasons for living.

And isnt' that what being a mama is all about?

Happy Mother's Day!