Tuesday, April 27, 2010
My Life in the Blogosphere
People are attracted to blogging for many reasons, it seems.
Some are looking for fame, fortune and a book deal.
Some just have something to say.
My goal was simply professional survival.
I have always lived on the outer fringes of technology. I only replaced the lap-top I lost in Katrina a little over a year ago -- and I hadn't missed it. But I work in public relations, and with all the industry buzz about social media and at least eight years to go until retirement, I knew I couldn't just ignore it and hope it would go away.
So I jumped feet first into the world of Facebook and Blogger (sorry never much developed an appetite for twittering).
And I was hooked.
At first I had no earthly idea what I would blog about. My Recurring Gentleman Caller suggested I start with something familiar-- like cats. And so it began.
Over the past 12 months, the one blog has grown into three: "The House Where The Black Cat Lives," "Mike and Mary's Kitchen: Recipes and Memories from Point Cadet" (a tribute to my roots), and my Christmas vacation blog "Joyeux Noel, Ya'll: A Southern Girl's Christmas Adventure in Paris." I have become an ardent fan of many, many other blogs.
I have learned several lessons from my year as a blogger:
1.) Blogging is not difficult. I feel silly for letting myself be so intimidated.
2.) I am never going to get rich and famous blogging. I have maintained the same small -- yet dedicated -- core of followers since I started. And that's OK. I mostly do it for myself.
3.) That said, I am amazed at the number of people who have heard of me or who reference one of my blogs on Facebook, their web site or their own blog.
4.) I have met some amazing people via the blogosphere. Like Heather over at "The Duchess of Devonshire's Gossip Guide" who shares my quirky passion for 18th century history and all things baroque. And Cynthia at "Five Months Until Paris" who, like me, will turn 50 this year and plans to spend her big day in my favorite city. A woman after my own heart. What fun to share my own experiences with -- and look forward to living vicariously through her pending adventure.
5.) I've reconnected with old friends and discovered relatives I didn't even know I had.
6.) Most importantly, I've remembered something I'd almost forgotten about myself: I love to write. After nearly 30 years of churning out news releases and technical copy, I've rediscovered my own voice.
And I want to thank you for "listening" to it.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Le Printemps a la Maison Du Chat Noir

As for the dinner party, I think this one will do, don't you?
Monday, April 5, 2010
Easter In New Orleans

I love the little old lady riding the Classic on her battery powered scooter. I especially love that when her batteries wind down, there's always a kindly stranger there to help push her along the route.

Thursday, April 1, 2010
And just like that .... it's spring
Today the white blanket of snow covering my lawn, my trees, my cars has been replaced by a thick mantle of yellow pollen.
Spring has well and truly sprung. Let us give thanks because it's brought with it:
Itchy eyes and swollen sinuses. Thank you, pollen.
Home improvement projects. The ugly floor in my hallway no longer makes me recoil in disgust. Thank you, Recurring Gentleman Caller.
Gardening projects. Lilies, fat pots of geraniums, fern baskets and container gardens of tender lettuces all look pretty now, but doubtless will not survive the first heat spell. Thank you Lowes and Wal Mart for offering a guarantee on your bedding plants.
Company. My sister and her family came on their annual spring break vacation. We ate (a lot), walked (a little less), visited family and friends. Then ate some more. Our usual routine. It never gets old. Thanks for coming, ya'll
--Gross alert--Dead squirrels. I found two of them in the yard this week. Judging by the smell in my garage, I suspect there's at least one more. Thank you, anonymous rat-poison -laying neighbor-whoever-you-are for turning The House Where the Black Cat Lives into The House Where the Grey Squirrels Die. Not!
New kittens (maybe). Peggy Sue, matriarch of the Oak Grove kitties, who had been looking a little plump lately, looked noticeably less so today. Thank you (in advance) to whoever is looking for a new kitten. And to the Low Cost Spay and Neuter Clinic for promising to be there for me when she finishes reproducing.