Today the white blanket of snow covering my lawn, my trees, my cars has been replaced by a thick mantle of yellow pollen.
Spring has well and truly sprung. Let us give thanks because it's brought with it:
Itchy eyes and swollen sinuses. Thank you, pollen.
Home improvement projects. The ugly floor in my hallway no longer makes me recoil in disgust. Thank you, Recurring Gentleman Caller.
Gardening projects. Lilies, fat pots of geraniums, fern baskets and container gardens of tender lettuces all look pretty now, but doubtless will not survive the first heat spell. Thank you Lowes and Wal Mart for offering a guarantee on your bedding plants.
Company. My sister and her family came on their annual spring break vacation. We ate (a lot), walked (a little less), visited family and friends. Then ate some more. Our usual routine. It never gets old. Thanks for coming, ya'll
--Gross alert--Dead squirrels. I found two of them in the yard this week. Judging by the smell in my garage, I suspect there's at least one more. Thank you, anonymous rat-poison -laying neighbor-whoever-you-are for turning The House Where the Black Cat Lives into The House Where the Grey Squirrels Die. Not!
New kittens (maybe). Peggy Sue, matriarch of the Oak Grove kitties, who had been looking a little plump lately, looked noticeably less so today. Thank you (in advance) to whoever is looking for a new kitten. And to the Low Cost Spay and Neuter Clinic for promising to be there for me when she finishes reproducing.
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