I love my creature comforts. Almost as much as I love my little creatures.
Sometimes between the 9-hour work days, the 2 1/2 hours round trip commutes, the chores and stresses of living in a multi-cat household, I just want to scream , "Calgon, take me away."
When the cats at The House Where The Black Cat Lives get bent out of shape, brushings, cat nip, a few treats and a nap in their favorite sunny spot always works wonders. When the resident cat mama needs little pampering, I can always count on these decadent little luxuries to whisk me a to a calmer place.
Bath and Boudoir
Candles: Tyler Candles' richly scented products come with atmospheric monikers like French Quarter, Cathedral (which no kidding smells like incense), Diva and High Maintenance. My favorite? Do you even have to ask? Paris, mais bien sur! I also love Trapp's heavenly orange vanilla scent. It belongs in the Scented Candle Hall of Fame.
Anything by Bath Junkie: You pick the product, the color and the scent at their bath boutiques. They do the rest, then wrap it in color-coordinated tissue paper. I just feel better walking out of that uber-Zen oasis of calm. with my little bag. Their sea-salt scrub is the best (I get it in Calming Lavendar). I also keep a couple of bottles of bubble bath in mock-Chanel No. 5 and Rose for long Sunday evening soaks. They recently added a 6 oz. size to their 4 oz. and 8 oz. line up.
Savon de Marseilles: Gargantuan cubes of unwrapped French-made soap made with olive oil are great for your skin and look tres francais piled up in a big clear glass jar in your bathroom. One cube lasts forever. I always bring these back as souvenirs when I go to France.
L'Occitane en Provence's Pearlescent Rose Body Creme: I love anything from this high-end bath shop, but this soft pink, rose-scented cream carries a little lagniappe: a pearlescent shimmer that leaves your skin glowing.
Lady Primose Dusting Silk: Want to feel super-pampered? Spend a weekend at Monmouth Plantation in Natchez, Miss. Walk around the romantic grounds, dine in the 1818 restaurant, and enjoy being waited on hand and foot. After your shower, take their pretty cut glass bath shaker and idly drift some of this wonderful silky powder along your collarbones and decolletage wondering why you can't do this at home. You can. They just happen to sell the shakers and powder in their gift shop -- if they happen to have it in stock. "We seem to sell a lot of this," the clerk apologized after vainly searching the stock room . No problem. You can buy online. http://www.ladyprimrose.com/
The Kitchen
Oh, who are we kidding, it's not like you want to cook at moments like these, but never discount the mood-lifting power of a spoon dipped in a jar of something gooey. Or a yummy little bon bon popped right from the package into your mouth.
Nutella and Biscoff spreads: Nothing wrong with the tried and true spoon-in-the -ice cream tub or peanut butter jar, but now that I'm a big girl, I dip my spoon in something a little more decadent like Nutella or, my newest passion, Biscoff spread, which is made from those Biscoff cookies Delta serves in flight if you're lucky. Biscoff spread is the same thing as the Specaloos spread so beloved by American expats living in Europe. Over here, you have to order it online which gets pricey what with the shipping. So if you're going to France or Belgium any time soon, head to a local grocery and stock up. And bring back a jar or two for me
Chocolate: I will not turn my nose up at any chocolate, but Trader Joe's carries a dizzying variety of wonderful dark chocolate-- coated marshmallows (heaven in their sipping chocolate), pretzel bark, cocoa dusted almonds or my favorite: dark chocolate, pistachio toffee clusters.
Tea: Jolly Old England's best, P.G. tips is my everyday tea of choice, but lately I am also addicted to Trader Joe's vanilla cinnamon tea which my sister sent me in my Christmas package. We don't have a Trader Joe's here, so she periodically sends me Trader Joe's care packages. Is she a great sis or what?
And for the rest of my senses ...
Cashmere: Sweater, socks and a wonderful red shawl I bought in Venice cocoon me in softness (all best accompanied by a purring kitty or three or seven).
Movies: They have to be pretty, romantic and make me cry or laugh. Period pieces preferred. Gloomy Sunday, The Wings of the Dove, The Last Time I Saw Paris, even the Aristocats will do.
Music: Something kind of jazzy. Billie Holliday, Dinah Washington, Sarah Vaughan, and my favorite New Orleans chanteuse Linnzi Zaorski.
So, what picks you up when you're down.? I'm always on the lookout for a new source of cheap endorphins! As long as it's legal that is...
Love me some Billie Holliday! I'll take the chocolate too.